Why can’t married men have female friends? (and vice versa)

So there’s a video that trended on social media recently where a woman basically says her husband isn’t allowed to have female friends. The video has gotten millions of views and it’s scary that so many people think this way. 

Now I understand not having female besties because things can get complicated, besides your wife should be your best friend. However, I really don’t get why married people can’t have friends of the opposite sex. 

I remember when I sent a message to a married friend of mine just to say hi. The message was not inappropriate or suggestive in any way. Yet the reply I got back was like an attack and I knew it wasn’t him I was speaking to. He responded later in his usual tone and didn’t even mention the previous message. So I knew it was his wife who attacked me.

female friends
Photo: RHOA via Giphy

I know this is a widespread belief because when I read some Christian books about marriage, they tell women to pray for their husband’s friends as if he’s only allowed to have male friends. I believe differently. With the proper boundaries in place, married men and women should be able to have platonic friendships with members of the opposite sex.

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If I was able to have male friends before I got married and I didn’t sleep with all of them, why can’t we remain friends after marriage? I have healthy male and female friendships and I like the variety of perspectives they give me. I recently discussed ghosting with my male friends and they made me see it from a completely different light. It gave me new information to work with. 

I don’t want to be the only female friend my husband has. I want him to have amazing women in his life who can speak wisdom to him. I believe he can do that and still be faithful to me. This is my sincere opinion. So what do you think? Women, are you allowing your husband to have female friends? Men are you allowing your wife to have male friends?

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