Trouble is a global cake, everybody’s gonna get a slice

When bad things happen to us, our first instinct is to ask why me? This is because our emotions try to tell us that everyone else has it easier. I know I sometimes look at people and think “I wonder how it feels to be that lucky.”

Photo: Unsplash/Caitlyn de Wild

In my seasons of discomfort, I tend to buy into the idea that my pain is unique. That nobody else in the world is quite as unfortunate. In reality however, we’re all going through something. Those who aren’t feeling any pain at this moment will eventually go through their own time of stretching. It’s part of the human experience, we can’t really avoid it.

Over the past year, with the pandemic and celebrities talking about their battles with depression, it’s become clear to me that we will all have to deal with challenges at one point or the other. Wealth doesn’t exempt us and neither does fame. In fact, those two factors seem to predispose people to a unique brand of trouble.

I’ve listened to stories of pain from people who are dealing with crushing loneliness and cried tears with couples who have lost children or are having trouble getting pregnant. I am buckling under the weight of my own troubles and those of the people that I love.

Photo: Unsplash/Fabian Moller

I generally try to be positive and say that tomorrow will be a better day. But this is not that kind of post. I don’t know if tomorrow will be better. I hope it will be, but right now I don’t even know how it could be.

This post is a “you’re not alone” kind of post. You weren’t specially selected for suffering. You haven’t done anything wrong. You’re just human and as the earth revolves, it brings us both pleasure and pain. It’s a package deal and we have no choice but to accept it. C’est la vie. 

1 thought on “Trouble is a global cake, everybody’s gonna get a slice”

  1. Because I don’t know if tomorrow will better. These words are so important because we sell “tomorrow will be better” but when is tomorrow gangan? Tomorrow asin the next day or tomorrow as in 10years time.

    It really is okay to cry and grieve and scream. That’s humanity

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