3 Life-Changing Books Every Woman Should Read In 2021

Some books are positively life changing and as soon as you read them you just know that things will be different for you.

I’ve read quite a few of such life changing books, but today I will be sharing only three of them that I believe every woman should read in 2021. Here they are:

Becoming by Michelle Obama

As soon as Michelle Obama’s book was announced, I knew I had to have it, and it was a life-changing read. Michelle is one of the women I love the most in the world and I consider her my mentor. Reading ‘Becoming’ was life changing because it showed me that success is available to all of us and that most women have similar experiences and we can draw strength from each other to live fulfilling lives. 

life-changing books for women in 2021
Photo: Book Club Chat

I’ll share the 3 main lessons I learned from the book:

1. You are enough:

You are good enough for that job, you are good enough for love, you are good enough to do anything you want to do right now. Michelle talks about how when she applied to Ivy league schools, she was told that the schools were too much for her.

She also said that what she has learned from sitting at important tables in the world is that there’s nothing special about the people who got there. All you need is confidence, passion, and the determination to work hard. Nothing is beyond you, you are enough. 

2.  Every woman needs a tribe:

Michelle Obama was very open about how she was helped and supported by other women in her quest to build a thriving career and be a good mother and wife. She explained the importance of having a tribe of women to support you because we’re all going through the same things. Women who have faced the same struggles you have or are currently facing them will help you because they understand and have walked in the same shoes. Get yourself a tribe of women who support and love you. 

3. Your story matters:

You empower and liberate others when you tell your story. Somebody needs to hear about your journey. Somebody needs to know that they can survive because you did. Michelle Obama’s story liberated and comforted many women. We needed to hear what she had to say. We also need to hear what you have to say. Tell your story. 

Get ‘Becoming’ by Michelle Obama – https://amzn.to/2M1oBGW

life-changing books for women in 2021
Photo: YouTube/The Jola Oluwa

Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

Rachel Hollis’ book ‘Girl Wash Your Face’ was positively life changing for me because it made me realize that most women go through the same struggles and have the same lies playing in their minds. You are really not alone and your problems aren’t unique to you. There’s a whole community around you that can support you as you make your way through life. 

Here are the 3 main lessons I learned from the book:

1. Be your own hero:

We’ve all read the stories about prince charming riding in to save the day. News flash, it’s just a fairy tale. The only person who can change your life is you, so get in the driver’s seat, take responsibility and make things happen. You are the head of your own rescue mission. Get up and get moving and you’ll find the help you need along the way. 

2. You’re doing better than you think:

We all have plans on how we want our life to go, but life hardly ever goes according to plan. Yes, you might not be where you want to be but you have come so far. Give yourself some credit. An exercise Rachel recommends is writing down everything you’ve achieved so far. Try this and you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come. 

life-changing books for women in 2021
Photo: GWYF

3. Start today:

No matter how far you want to go, there’s always a step you can take today to move you closer. Don’t procrastinate any longer. Sign up for that course. Start writing that book. Just move. There’s magic in action. 

Get ‘Girl, Wash Your Face’ by Rachel Hollis – https://amzn.to/3bjuisp

What a Time to Be Alone by The Slumflower 

This book was life changing for me because of its core message, that’s self-love. As a young woman, everywhere you turn there’s someone trying to make you feel inadequate. The book affirmed my beliefs about self-love and taught me some very valuable lessons. 

Here are my top three: 

1. Your victim mentality is why you’re stagnant:

This one slapped me in the face. It’s so easy to play the victim, so easy to sit and wallow in self-pity. But guess what? Pity will only make you eligible for leftovers. If you want to dazzle in this life, you need to realize that you’re awesome and begin to treat yourself like it. If you value yourself, others will value you, or else they’ll get out of your way.

2. Everything happening to you is happening for you:

The author says “Everything you’re going through is pushing you closer to the person you need to be.” The problems are working for your good. The trials are preparing you for your blessings. It might not feel good now, but it’s necessary, so trust the process.

life-changing books for women in 2021
Photo: Medium/Blessing Makosha

3. Certain mistakes must be made, in order for real growth to begin:

Some mistakes are essential to your journey as a person. The key is to learn from them and grow above them. As Ralph Nader said, “your best teacher is your last mistake.” I also love what Oprah Winfrey said during an interview at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. She said:

“There are no mistakes. There really aren’t any, because you have a supreme destiny. There’s no such thing as failure really, because failure is just that thing, trying to move you in another direction.”

“So you get as much from your losses, as you do from your victories because the losses are there to wake you up. You know you’re not defined by what somebody says is a failure for you because failure is just there to point you in a different direction.” That’s so deep. I love Oprah!

Get What a Time To Be Alone by Chidera Eggerue – https://amzn.to/3s1mCkZ

Please share any books that changed your life in the comments and if you want me to review any of them, please let me know. Thank you so much for reading.

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