Money shaming: Why do people shame women for liking money?

I like money, and I intend to make a lot of it. So I intentionally surround myself with images and affirmations of wealth. Sometimes I share these online and some responses I get are amusing. It seems like people expect me to be shy about liking money. They think being open about my desire for wealth makes me materialistic. 

liking money
Photo: AGT via Giphy

Apparently women are not supposed to like money so much. They say it scares men away and makes you look cheap. LOL. I find this so amusing because a lot of men complain that women are always asking them for money. So they don’t want us to ask them for money, but making our own money is a crime? Please stop.

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I’m not ashamed about liking money and I never will be. Money is a force for good. I’ve seen how much it can change my life and the lives of people around me. I know how much impact you can make with a well-timed financial gift. I’ve also seen how much damage poverty can cause. I know what it’s like to need something desperately and not get it because there’s no money. I refuse to let that be my life’s story.

liking money
Photo: Giphy

So yeah I like money. I desire it and I will take action towards making it. I want money to know that we’re friends and it will always be welcome around me. There’s a quote by Grant Cardone that I can never forget:

“Money is like a jealous lover. Ignore it and it will ignore you, or worse, it will leave you for someone who makes it a priority.” I don’t want money to ignore me, so I won’t ignore it.

Dear woman, there’s nothing wrong with liking money. Desire it and take action to get what you want. You don’t need to beg a man for money. You can make your own. I believe in the Bible and in Deuteronomy 8:18, it says that God has given me the power to create wealth. He has given you the power, you can do it. 

liking money
Photo: BET via Giphy

I leave you with my favourite quote from the book ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ :

 “Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich.”


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